Saturday, May 30, 2009


haven't updated in a LONNNG time, yet again. ): i've just been going through a lot. from journalism tryouts and skating practices to a QUEST hangout and awards ceremonies, i've been super busy and yet super inspired. i've had so many opportunities that others have not had, and because of this, i begin to wonder what i did to deserve it. 
i'm not going to go into any details, or even describe everything that's happened. i could very well do that, but i don't think just retelling such events would serve them the justice they deserve. i'll just say that there have been manymanymany things happening in my life, all of which have impacted me as a person. 

each event has been so incredibly unique, making it impossible to classify them as "good" or "bad." even our worst moments have bright sides to them, so labeling them like this just doesn't seem right to me. wow, i'm weird. hahaa. oh well, that's just the way i think, i guess. other people are welcome to do as they please. this is just my personal philosophy.
moving on... i've had the chance to become acquainted with some great artists within these past few weeks. i haven't met most of them, but just getting to know them through their art has brought me much closer. all of these are inspiring in their own ways, each bringing a different little bundle of talent and impact. it's people like this that make me fall in love with art all over again. and when i say "art," i mean everything from drawing and painting to singing and dancing. (:

it's late already. i have synchro in the morning. i'll finish up in the next post. 

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